... was pretty exhausting. I was wiped out for days. That's all the negativity I'm gonna spew out. It definitely had its highlights though. My favorite moment at Comic Con occurred on Sunday after I had already left San Diego. This story was relayed to me by my buddy
This cute little Supergirl and her dad strolled by the booth and she was drawn right to the cover of my book:
She asked her father, "What's the little girl doing?"
He replied, "I think she's building a robot."
"What's the story daddy?"
"I don't know."
And so they started flipping through the pages. And with each page the little Supergirl concocted a whole story, advancing the tale with every flip. It must have been more adorable than puppies prancing around in a cotton candy shop, while wearing bow ties... and twirling canes.... made of good thoughts. I wish I would've been there for that. Fortunately, my friends took pictures of her as she perused my book:

So I guess Comic Con wasn't so bad.